765. Sharpened colored pencils, Thurmont, Maryland, USA |
768. Storm clouds moving across rural prairie, Orovada, Nevada, USA |
770. City skyline and Bridge of Lions, St. Augustine, Florida, USA |
771. Behind South Falls, waterfall in Silver Falls State Park, Oregon, USA |
772. Toroweap Overlook sunrise, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA |
777. View from the summit of Williams Peak at dusk in White River National Forest, Colorado, USA |
783. Townscape at Alcazar Courtyard, St. Augustine, Florida, USA |
793. The shore of Swiftcurrent Lake in Glacier national park, Montana, USA |
794. Extreme weather at sunset with rays of light over storm clouds, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA |
797. Dunes, White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA |